Saturday, June 14, 2008

GF Rant

Lots of things are just naturally gluten free.
Marinated chicken, pork chops, corn on the cob, baked potatoes....
Most of that stuff is standard recipe crap. It's the other stuff that bites ya.

Since our son was diagnosed his ability to eat baked goods has suffered the most.
YOU try having a little boy who's not allowed to eat cake and cookies and Happy Meals and see how 'normal' takes a screeching backseat to 'why is gluten in rice-freaking-crispies?!?!'

To add insult to injury Gluten Free foods are expensive! Example: Kraft Mac& Cheese $1.29/box vs. Pastato GF Mac and Cheese $2.89/box. Cheap ass cereal $1.00/box vs. GF Cereal $4.50/box.

Our large family (read: tribe) would be living in a cardboard box if we had to all eat gluten free all the time. Gas prices are skyrocketing which drives up food prices. Yay, more penny pinching.

I'm thrifty by nature. My man still laughs about our discount 3 legged hamster. Yeah, that's what I said. Her name is Stumpy Lou and we love her to death, thank you very much. Steele loves chicken legs, so that's how I get around on the cheap if I make a gluten menu. I keep a box of GF pasta for when we do Spaghetti. I buy him 2 slices of ham or deli meat or deli cheese.

I even made lil man his own reversible chef hat and apron so he can get involved with his own personal cooking.

I'll post my standard GF recipes here, but my emphasis is on the stuff you can't just run to the store and grab off the shelf, like bread, cookies, muffins.... and the stupid cheap ways around this whole wheat intolerance issue.

Take a breath and see what you can do. Meal plans really are the most cost efficent way to handle it. Find your "oh shit" subsitute (like his chicken legs) and you're halfway there.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I want to share a great place where I always shop for organic and gluten free products. They have lots of great stuff.