Saturday, June 16, 2007

Quick and Dirty Lunches

When you're looking in the cupboard and don't see too much, or you're looking for something that doesn't really involve cooking. Here we go.

Rice cake & peanut butter, covered in chopped dried fruit instead of jelly. (I make a smiley face with dried apricots, figs and raisins)

Ants on a log - Peanut butter filled celery with raisins on it. (Use chopped dates, yum!)

Tuna salad made as-you-like-it wrapped like an egg roll in a lettuce leaf.
(Pretend you're making an envelope, cut a square as big as the leaf allows, toss tuna in the center, pull the bottom corner up, fold in the side corners, roll until you get to the top corner.) You can also use chopped ham or leftover chicken, any kind of meat salad thing will work. Once you get the right amount for your taste folded into the lettuce, these are wonderful.)

Hummus rolled in lettuce leaf (Use way less hummus than you would tuna salad)

Egg salad rolled in a lettuce leaf or stuffing a tomato.

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